Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī and Averroes on Metaphysics Alpha Elatton, 2010
By: Peter Adamson
Title Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī and Averroes on Metaphysics Alpha Elatton
Type Article
Language English
Date 2010
Journal Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale
Volume 21
Pages 343–374
Categories Metaphysics, Commentary
Author(s) Peter Adamson
This paper examines and compares two commentaries on Aristotle Metaphyics, Alpha Elatton. In the Arabic tradition this was considered to be the first book of the Metaphysics, and it accordingly acquired more importance than it is usually given today. After giving a brief resume of Elatton and its transmission into Arabic, the paper discusses the commentaries of Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī, a Christian commentator of the Baghdad School, and by Averroes. it is argued that these two commentaries show rather different conceptions of Elatton as a text, and metaphysics as a science. In the final section Averroes' commentary on Elatton is shown to resonate strongly with Averroes' famous Decisive Treatise. Concluding remarks consider the question of how Averroes' project as a commentator related to that of the Baghdad School.

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Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī and Averroes on Metaphysics Alpha Elatton, 2010
By: Peter Adamson
Title Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī and Averroes on Metaphysics Alpha Elatton
Type Article
Language English
Date 2010
Journal Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale
Volume 21
Pages 343–374
Categories Metaphysics, Commentary
Author(s) Peter Adamson
This paper examines and compares two commentaries on Aristotle Metaphyics, Alpha Elatton. In the Arabic tradition this was considered to be the first book of the Metaphysics, and it accordingly acquired more importance than it is usually given today. After giving a brief resume of Elatton and its transmission into Arabic, the paper discusses the commentaries of Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī, a Christian commentator of the Baghdad School, and by Averroes. it is argued that these two commentaries show rather different conceptions of Elatton as a text, and metaphysics as a science. In the final section Averroes' commentary on Elatton is shown to resonate strongly with Averroes' famous Decisive Treatise. Concluding remarks consider the question of how Averroes' project as a commentator related to that of the Baghdad School.

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